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Silver Navratna Tortoise - 1 Pc

This jewelry piece has been embedded with Navaratnas nine precious stones or jewels, namely, ruby, diamond, pearl, coral, hessonite, blue-sapphire, cats eye, yellow sapphire and emerald. The tradition of Navaratna-ornaments, a Navaratna-pendant, Navaratna-necklace, Navaratna - kundalas ear-ornament, Navaratna - ring etc., goes back to classical age. Not so much the jewelers as the astrologers played the role in conceiving the each stones place and priority and relative sizes in an ornament, as also ascertained its quality and impact on the wearer in relation to his or her Zodiac-sign. The talismanic role apart, and not only that the nine jewels attract all across the world, even the Sanskrit term Navaratna is used in trans-borders languages, Burmese, Indonesian, Nepalese and of course Hindi and other languages of the land. Astrological traditions, not merely in India but also in the globes other parts, link these nine jewels with nine planets, namely, ruby with Sun, diamond with Venus, pearl with Moon, coral with Mars, hessonite with Rahu, blue sapphire with Saturn, cats eye with Ketu, yellow sapphire with Jupiter and emerald with Mercury. It is widely believed that these stones: the microcosms of these planets, transmit the planets positive energy into the wearer and at the same time appease the notorious ones, Rahu and Ketu, and others, Saturn in particular, in their unfavourable phases, and thus mitigate their adverse influences.

How to wear Navaratna Jewelry?

Navaratna Ornaments can be worn by anyone and does not have any negative effects. It suits everyone irrespective of Zodiac and can be worn even without the recommendation from an Astrologer. Navaratna Jewelry should be made preferably of gold or silver. It is believed that such an Ornament acts as a protective shied against various diseases and danger. When only one astrological gemstone is worn, it tends to focus only on a particular planet or a specific problem. But when navratnas are worn it brings the benefits of all the nine planetary gemstones simultaneously.


The wearer enjoys all the Worldly Comforts and all his material desires get fulfilled yet he is not

bound by them. Attainment of very high level of Spiritual Consciousness and Mental Peace, Attainment of Nirvana.

Silver Tortoise Navratna Pendant pacifies the malefic effects of planet SUN and makes the

Individual charismatic and radiant like the Divine Surya. As per Ancient Vedic Texts, this Silver Tortoise Navratna Pendant is said to be very beneficial in curing Headache, Right Eye problems & diseases of Liver, Bowels, Heart Diseases, Bone Pains etc.

This Silver Tortoise Navratna Pendant renders a person the power to Concentrate, Increased Confidence, Leadership qualities and Prosperity. • A person wearing Silver Tortoise Navratna Pendant is able to lead a Healthier, Wealthier and Happier Life.

₹ 3,999.00 3999.0 INR ₹ 3,999.00

₹ 3,999.00

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Trishul symbol purifies the whole atmosphere. It is helpful to remove all faults. In India the it is most auspicious sign "TRISHUL". represents Lord Shiva himself as form of Kalagni & It is said that it bestows lots of peace & salvation. It is said that it also monitors blood pressure & cardiac ailments.

NAV-RATNA - Combination of RUBY (Sun), PEARL (Moon), RED CORAL (Mars), EMERALD (Mercury), YELLOW SAPPHIRE (Jupiter), DIAMOND (Venus), BLUE SAPPHIRE (Saturn), HESSONITE (Rahu), & CAT'S EYE (Ketu). Navratna is the exclusive arrangment of gems. Which is featured in various astrological books. It is found to be very effective for everybody. the best part of Navratna can be worn be anybody and any age group. Even if one has no horocope. One can wear it without any horoscope consultation. it is found to be equally suitable for all. Whether its buiness person, executive, working ladies, house wives, school going children, retired person, old people.all. In Nava-Ratna, Gems are crystalline minerals or petrified material that can be used as a distinct and advantageous remedial measure in astrology.

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Gems are considered to be the best for strengthing the positive influences of planets. They Intensify the rays of the planets they represent. Each gem stone is specific to ascertain planet and takes positive traits of that planet. People since ancient times have sensed powerful energies emanating from gemstone crystals and their ability to bring good fortune and ward off evil.

Benefits of Nava-Ratna Trishul

Beneficial in diseases especially those caused by poision.

Wearer will be freed from diseases and get happiness

Wearer will never suffer any form of ill fortune.

Removes obstacles and dangers.

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